This is a slow, explorative and mindful class where the body and spirit reach beyond the ordinary to discover new ways of moving, feeling, thinking, and experiencing.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

"Integral Walking" Workshop

"Integral Walking" Description
Walking is the most primary and basic movement pattern that human beings have. It has been refined as our species has evolved, and continues to change as we do. Although walking is one of the simplest movement skills, it can store many layers of compensation and excess information, inhibiting our optimal experience. The objective of Integral Walking is to help individuals recognize their patterns through mindfulness and movement experiences, and identify ways of promoting harmonious change, thereby ‘cleansing’ habits that are no longer efficient. In this heart-friendly approach, we will offer unique ways to engage the body/mind connection, and gather tools that help us restore our balance on the fly.

Integral Walking Workshop design:

• Cycles and Patterns
• Reaching Flow
• Space Management
• Natural and Learned Restorative Tools
• Movement Management Skills
• Inner Perception
• Integration

Sign up Now for the Upcoming
“Integral Walking” Workshop
“Alé brings many fresh ideas about tuning into my body’s habitual ways of moving, widening the possibilities, then bringing more joy and consciousness into the relationship with my body.” - Nance Lopez

Thursdays 5:00-7:00pm
April 12th, 19th, 26th, May 3rd & 10th
Saturdays 9:00-11:00am
April 14th, 21st, 28th, May 5th & 12th

Place: 624 Paseo de Peralta (meeting and lecture)
Cross of the Martyr Park (walking practice)

Cost : $100.00 for 5 session package
Info: 505-310-8664 or email-